Hello! Thank you so much for checking out our website! We're Bear and Pixie and we'd like to welcome you with a big warm grizzly hug. Who's Bear & Pixie? Well, I'm Alexis, a.k.a. Pixie and my husband, Tucker, is “Bear!” 

Bear with the writer’s pen, and me - Pixie- with a B.F.A in media arts and animation. I mainly provide the illustrations for all of our different projects and products while Bear provides the writing, editing, and managing of our website.

We were inspired to start the Bear & Pixie Art Studio in 2020, to share our love for the arts in films, gaming, and traditional means by sharing our creative works with other fellow nerds and inspiring artists. We started the Art Studio side of our business to allow us to have full creative reign to develop stories and products that are full to the brim with character and life. We aim to create the best in children's books, comics, and tons more in various other art forms in the future.

Since the start of our studio, we’ve launched our first children’s book on Amazon “The Perfect Flower” and started tabling at conventions. We hope you join us along our journey!

If you’re curious, you can also check out my professional portfolio by clicking the button below to see more of my artwork!

You can reach out at thebearandpixieblog@gmail.com if you want to collaborate on a project (children’s books, or concept/visual development) with me.

Our Story

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