A Successful Learning Experience

Greetings Bombastic Believers!

Hot off the presses is another weekly update! In this newsblog, we’ll be talking about how the conference we went to recently, showing you some great entertainment that you should check out, and discussing other fun stuff that we’d like to share with you. In any case, we hope this newsblog brings some joy and fun into your week!

1) Our Time at the SCBWI Conference! -

From the Professional Connection and Skill Development Division

A few days ago, Pixie and I attended the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) conference that was being held from August 5th through the 7th to help us develop our skills more towards our goals of working in the professional children’s book field in the future. Additionally, it was a great place to help ourselves forge some connections with people who are currently rocking it as illustrators and writers making children’s books. Through all the different workshops and events, the SCBWI conference is specifically geared towards potential and current writers, as well as illustrators, in the industry as they connect with each other, pitch different projects to editors or art directors, and develop their skillsets more. We will be continuing to come back to this conference for years to come as its value to our professional development was priceless. I’m sure the things that we’ve learned from this first time around will influence not just our careers, but our stories themselves, for years to come. If you’re considering going to a conference like this one for your own sakes, I would highly recommend it! Attending one of these kinds of conferences is always sure to bring an amazing learning experience and, aside from the other benefits, that’s truly why these kinds of events are ones not worth missing.

2) Mamoru Hosada With Another Family Hit! –

From the Anime Movie Division of the Department of Animated Storytelling

Pixie and I have been on a kick of rewatching a lot of Mamoru Hosada’s films lately (as evidenced by our last two newsblogs). This last weekend, Pixie and I ended up watching his 2013 movie Wolf Children. Wolf Children is all about a woman named Hana who, after falling in love with a Wolf Man, ends up giving birth to two of his half-human, half-wolf children. After a tragic event rocks the family, Hana is forced to move to a rural town and build a life without her husband for herself and her two children. The movie is a beautiful story about loss, coming of age, identity, and the power of love itself. It truly is a heartwarming film with excellent writing, compelling characters, and beautiful animation. This movie is another example of the absolute talent and skill that Mamoru Hosada and his team make films that are top-notch! We at Bear & Pixie Art Studio absolutely see this film worth of an 8 out of 10 rating. Most assuredly, Wolf Children is Studio Ghibli level quality in every sense of the phrase and is worth being on your movie night list! You can purchase this movie on-demand on your favorite movie-streaming service, or you can purchase a physical copy of it through Amazon by clicking the picture below. [WE ARE NOT SPONSORED BY ANY COMPANY. We are only giving you a genuine, un-sponsored recommendation.]

3) Artist Shout-Out -

From the Artist Relations Department

Our pick for this week’s Artist Shout-Out goes to the amazing illustrator that goes by the name of Sam/DoggoDrawings on Instagram. Sam’s portrait art is incredibly detailed, vibrant, andfull of life with its deeply rich colors, brilliant lighting, and sense of realism. What portraits does she paint you ask? Well, only portraits of the most beautiful pets out there of course! All her pieces really capture the pets as they are in every painting she does. Her watercolor and gouche leaps off the page with each portrait. Honestly, Pixie and I will be getting a commission from her soon for our pup and, if you are interested in something like that, her commission link is below. If you feel up to it, we also recommend giving her a follow on Instagram. Her art is worth it in spades! [We are not sponsored by Sam/DoggoDrawings. We are only fans and genuinely wanted to give a shoutout.]

Artist’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doggodrawings_/

Artist’s Commission Site: https://samsstudio.ie

4) Amazing Footage of Two Stars Colliding That You Have to See! -

From the Fascinating News Division

Recently, I saw this stellar article that talked about a recent collision of at least one neutron star against another star. This is the first time that something like this has been caught on film and it’s definitely a sight to behold. Interested to see the incredible video and find out more information about it? Go check out the article to find out for yourself! [We are NOT sponsored by any news organization. We are just wanting to share something cool with our incredible fans.]

Link to Article: https://www.sciencealert.com/we-have-new-insane-video-of-an-explosion-emitted-by-neutron-stars-colliding?ref=thefuturist

5) Another Anime That Hits in All the Right Places! –

From the Anime Show Division of the Department of Animated Storytelling

Lately, I have been watching a bunch of different anime on CrunchyRoll. One of those shows, recommended to me by my brother-in-law, was Megalobox, created by Yo Moriyama, TMS Entertainment, and 3xCube. This anime is packed up full of amazing sound design, lovable characters that you root for from day one, and a story that keeps you on the edge your seat all throughout its first season. I haven’t been able to watch the second season yet but, if it’s anything like the first, it's a great ride that’s worth watching at least once. Here at Bear & Pixie Art Studio, we give this show an official rating of a 7 out of 10. We think you should check this one for sure and, if you feel so inclined to, you can click the picture below to view it on CrunchyRoll! [We are NOT sponsored by any company. We are only giving a genuine opinion/recommendation.]

That's it for this one! Thank you for reading our newsblog. Our sponsor for this newsblog is…us! We don’t accept sponsors for our email list, and we never will. If you feel so inclined, it would mean a lot to us if you would like to support us in making our dreams and stories a reality. Ways to support us are all outlined below. Thank you so much for your time and love. Hope you have an amazing week!

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/bearandpixieart (Best way to support us is by supporting one of our kickstarters whenever we launch them. Please follow us here to get notifications whenever we have a new project!)

Sharing Our Newsblog: https://www.bearandpixieart.com/blog (Second best way to support is by sharing our newsblogs with anyone you can. They are free and designed to be a source of fun and light to anyone’s week as they get to see our journey in real-time and share in the mutual enjoyment of interesting or creative things that are inspiring us now.)

(Third best is to follow us at any of our social media links that are listed below).

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bearandpixieartstudio/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bearandpixieartstudio

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdz6TxE8nMfnChPFtXohjA

Our Website: www.bearandpixieart.com

Warm hugs and happy wishes,

- Bear & Pixie


Starting on Terrible Twosome!


Getting Off to a Great Start!