Pivoting to Build a Better Comic

Hello Fantastic Followers! 

We’re back again with a great weekly update you all will hopefully enjoy! We’ve got some pretty cool sneak peeks for you for some things we’re working on, tips on some awesome entertainment you just have to experience for yourself, and a nugget of other cool stuff we’d like to share with you. We hope this newsblog brings a little light into your week!

1) Re-Tooling Our Project Line-Up - 

From the Department of Project Management

If you’ve been following us for the last couple months, you know that we’ve been talking a lot about our Soul Canvas web project. However, as of late, Pixie and I have been having lots of discussions about continuing it or switching to a different comic story that we’ve been sitting on for a while. The reason behind these conversations has been based on one thing, passion. When it comes to Soul Canvas, the project has felt so nebulous from the start that it feels like it's hard to envision the story’s end or even drum up the drive to really go through with it right now. Honestly, we just don’t feel like the characters, reason behind the story, or other elements are as strong as we want them to be right now. In essence, we’re needing something that we can put a little more passion behind and Soul Canvas might not be it right now. So, currently we are looking into doing another story as we still have a goal to release an awesome webcomic that hopefully lots of people will enjoy a little over a year from now. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but we don’t want to put out something that is lackluster or lacking in quality. Who knows, it might be a new story, or we may find the missing piece to Soul Canvas soon. Regardless, we’ll give you an update as soon as we can amazing acolytes when we’ve discovered what the path ahead looks like for us.

2) A Throwback Goodie That You Must Watch! –

From the Department of Animated Storytelling

Pixie and I have been rewatching some of our favorite shows that we watched growing up and one show that it seems that we always go back to is the original Teen Titans animated show that first released back in 2003. Wow do we feel old! This show was spectacular back in the day and is still amazing now. With deeply written characters, amazing storylines, and fun animation style; this show stands above many current animated shows in its overall quality. There are so many iconic stories, memes, and more that were spawned from this series that it’s almost a must watch just on its importance within pop-culture. For us, this show has always been a very solid 10 out of 10 rating on our official Bear & Pixie Art Studio review scale as it quite honestly holds up to the test of time and outclasses shows that are made right now in 2022. So please, if you feel so inclined, go watch this ASAP! If you have an HBOMax subscription, you can watch it there.  [WE ARE NOT SPONSORED BY ANY COMPANY. We are only giving you a genuine, un-sponsored recommendation.]

3) Artist Shout-Out -

From the Artist Relations Department

Our pick for this week’s Artist Shout-Out goes to Comics and Board Game Illustrator Cam Kendall on Instagram! Cam was a no-brainer pick for our Artist Shout-Out as his work is brimming with character and life. His use of line, color, and design choice are impeccable and create truly appealing characters. Lately, he’s been putting out these dinosaur illustrations that I’ve been chomping at the bit each day to see which armored dinosaur he brings us! Honestly, his stuff is so fun and creative that you should check it out just for those factors alone. Please go check out his Instagram, give him a follow, and check out his shop too! There’s some pretty cool stuff on both that are well worth the visit. [We are not sponsored by Very Berry. We are only fans and genuinely wanted to give a shoutout.]

Artist’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/camkendell/

Artist’s Shop: https://camkendell.com/biolinks

4) We’re Getting One Step Closer to Bases on the Moon! - 

From the Fascinating News Division 

Just recently, I saw this jaw-dropping article on Vice.com that reported how scientists are getting super close to being able to achieve true photosynthesis using the si=oil of the moon and sun! This would be groundbreaking as it could allow astronauts to set up a permanent moon base that would be able to have its own oxygen, water, and more! In a time where lots of the news cycle has been full of negativity and awfullness, it’s nice to have at least one story that talks about some amazing advancements to remind us all how awesome we humans can be. Curious to get the full story? Check out the link below and read for yourself! [We are NOT sponsored by any news organization. We are just wanting to share something cool with our incredible fans.]

Link to Article: https://www.vice.com/en/article/dypm3v/scientists-developing-extraterrestrial-photosynthesis-with-first-moon-samples-in-decades?ref=thefuturist

5) Another Throwback Comic I Felt Deserved a Shout-Out – 

From the Storytelling Division of the Comics Department

These last couple weeks, I have been reading tons of my old comics in my comic collection for awesome comics to talk about and one comic that I had to read again-and share with you-was JLA/Avengers. This comic is such a fun ride from start to finish. Is it a little corny at times? Sure. Is it still super cool to see both the DC Comics and Marvel Comics world come together for one big adventure? You bet your ash it is! This comic by comic legends Kurt Busiek and George Perez is an amazing treat full of the quintessential good comic book crossover story mixed with great character writing as Busiek intelligently writes the interactions between all these characters in very believable, fun ways. George Perez’s art is also top-notch throughout as there are battle scenes in this book that you could straight from this story and put directly in a movie because they have such a cinematic, illustrated quality to them. I have no idea how this story hasn’t been done in a movie or video game yet so, Disney and Warner Bros, please get your shirt together and get this thing made into an awesome fighting game or something! If you can find this book somewhere, I would highly recommend buying it and reading it as we at Bear & Pixie Art Studios give it a well-earned 8 out of 10. Like I said the comic does a very good job of balancing multiple settings, tons of characters, and more all while putting out a quality story that is fun to go read again later for years to come. Sorry I couldn’t give you more of a solid link for this book to go get it but, I wish you all the luck in the world to find this amazing book for yourself!

That's it for this one! Thank you for reading our newsblog. Our sponsor for this newsblog is…us! We don’t accept sponsors for our email list, and we never will. If you feel so inclined, it would mean a lot to us if you would like to support us in making our dreams and stories a reality. Ways to support us are all outlined below. Thank you so much for your time and love. Hope you have an amazing week!

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/bearandpixieart (Best way to support us is by supporting one of our kickstarters whenever we launch them. Please follow us here to get notifications whenever we have a new project!)

Sharing Our Newsblog: https://www.bearandpixieart.com/blog (Second best way to support is by sharing our newsblogs with anyone you can. They are free and designed to be a source of fun and light to anyone’s week as they get to see our journey in real-time and share in the mutual enjoyment of interesting or creative things that are inspiring us now.)

(Third best is to follow us at any of our social media links that are listed below).

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bearandpixieartstudio/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bearandpixieartstudio

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdz6TxE8nMfnChPFtXohjA

Our Website: www.bearandpixieart.com

Warm hugs and happy wishes,

- Bear & Pixie


Seeking a New Path!


Making Progress One Step at a Time!