Updated Looks for Parents

Salutations Bombastic Believers!

I tell you what, it’s so glad to be back. Last week was our first post in a while since things got a little crazy. There’s nothing better than getting back in the swing of things that’s for sure and this update will be no different. We’ve got a studio update, great entertainment recommendations for all you lovely people, and some other fun stuff in this edition. We hope you really enjoy this installment of our newsblog, and we can’t wait to share with you more this month!

1) Updated Look for Our Terrible Twosome’s Parents! -

From the Webcomic Development Division

This week, we thought that we would revisit the design of the dad a little bit for our upcoming webcomic, Terrible Twosome! We thought Aaron and Ashely looked pretty good before. However, we think they needed a little touching up just as it seemed like that “x-factor” just wasn’t there yet with their design like it has been for the twins. What do you think of the slight design shift for these characters? Did you like the first versions of them from a couple months back? Please let us know by sending us an email at thebearandpixieblog@gmail.com! Stay tuned as well for next week’s update as we rework the design for the mom of our Terrible Twosome.

2) A Small-Scale Adventure That Has a Big Place in Our Heart –

From the Anime Movie Division of the Department of Animated Storytelling

As I continue to rewatch the entire Studio Ghibli film library for the billionth time, I found myself one afternoon re-watching Secret World of Arrietty again recently. Another film by Hayao Miyazaki, this flick is particularly heartwarming, grand, and beautiful in its own unique ways. With an impactful story, characters that easily work their way into your heart, and a world that you can so easily get lost in; the Secret World of Arrietty truly becomes an unforgettable movie that you will be very glad you took the time to watch. In every single way, this is Hayao Miyazaki putting out his best quality of film. In the Studio Ghibli library, this is a show that you don’t want to miss as it has breathtaking animation, intricately woven worldbuilding, and other memorable aspects that will impact you for years to come. At Bear & Pixie, we give this movie a solid 9 out of 10. If you’re interested in seeing this one for yourself and you have a current HBOMax account, you can watch it by clicking the picture below. [WE ARE NOT SPONSORED BY ANY COMPANY. We are only giving you a genuine, un-sponsored recommendation.]

3) Artist Shout-Out -

From the Artist Relations Department

Our pick for this week’s Artist Shout-Out goes to the incredible illustrator Taurin Clarke, a comic book artist whose incredible line work, colors, composition, and design skills make an impact on every single cover and panel he draws. Every time I see a new piece of his, I have to take a hot minute to dissect every little aspect of it as there’s so many layers of awesome packed into each one. His art is so good that it definitely deserves a follow on Instagram. Also, if you feel so inclined, this amazing artist’s Sideshow link is below if you would like to support Taurin any further. [We are not sponsored by Taurin Clarke. We are only fans and genuinely wanted to give a shoutout.]

Artist’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muaadib/

Artist’s Sideshow: https://www.patreon.com/tomislav

4) A Plant-Based Gel That Can Stop Huge Amounts of Bleeding! -

From the Fascinating News Division

A little while ago, I saw this awesome news story that talked about a company who was currently developing a plant-based gel that can treat wounds, leave no lasting damage itself, and stimulate healing underneath it. Sounds too good to be true or a little on the side of science-fiction? Go check out the article to find out for yourself the fascinating truth about this ingenious invention! [We are NOT sponsored by any news organization. We are just wanting to share something cool with our incredible fans.]

Link to Article: https://cheddar.com/media/how-this-plant-based-gel-can-treat-wounds?ref=thefuturist

5) A New Anime Based off a Very Popular Manga Rips onto the Scene! –

From the Anime Division of the Storytelling Department

Recently, I started watching the brand-new anime Chainsaw Man which is based on the manga of the same name. For months, I have seen how popular this manga is at seems to fly off the shelf at every bookstore I go to and be talked about on numerous social media arenas. This made me at least want to try out the anime first before checking out the manga (I know, completely backwards from how I should check out most manga/anime combos). I have to say, the anime is quite good! However, there are a couple of things that lower it in quality for me. One is the use of CG animation within the show. Throughout most of the anime, there is beautiful 2D animation that graces every second of run time. Then, inexplicably, during a lot of the action scenes, the show switches into PS2 CG for a lot of its action. This one aspect really impacts my enjoyment of the show massively as I wish they would just lean more into the 2D animation rather than sparingly using the bad CG animation. Other than that, the show has great music, entertaining characters, and witty writing throughout that makes the show incredibly fun and enjoyable to watch. For this show, I would recommend at least checking it out for yourself to see if you like it as the first couple of episodes warrant watching. The action, worldbuilding, and other aspects really make this show an experience to view. However, be warned as this is the most gory, and at times disturbing, show I have ever seen (and that’s saying something). So, if you feel a bit squeamish about stuff like that, you might want to steer clear of this one. Regardless, I feel like this show easily earns an 8 out of 10 on the official Bear & Pixie rating system and we highly recommend you check out this show for yourself. If you feel so inclined to do so, you can watch this show by clicking on the picture below on CrunchyRoll if you have a subscription! [We are NOT sponsored by any company. We are only giving a genuine opinion/recommendation.]

That's it for this one! Thank you for reading our newsblog. Our sponsor for this newsblog is…us! We don’t accept sponsors for our email list, and we never will. If you feel so inclined, it would mean a lot to us if you would like to support us in making our dreams and stories a reality. Ways to support us are all outlined below. Thank you so much for your time and love. Hope you have an amazing week!

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/bearandpixieart (Best way to support us is by supporting one of our kickstarters whenever we launch them. Please follow us here to get notifications whenever we have a new project!)

Sharing Our Newsblog: https://www.bearandpixieart.com/blog (Second best way to support is by sharing our newsblogs with anyone you can. They are free and designed to be a source of fun and light to anyone’s week as they get to see our journey in real-time and share in the mutual enjoyment of interesting or creative things that are inspiring us now.)

(Third best is to follow us at any of our social media links that are listed below).

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bearandpixieartstudio/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bearandpixieartstudio

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdz6TxE8nMfnChPFtXohjA

Our Website: www.bearandpixieart.com

Warm hugs and happy wishes,

- Bear & Pixie


First Close-Up of Our Main Characters!


Exploring Ideas for the Look of Our Comic!