Returning Refreshed and Ready to Rock!
Salutations Gregarious Galvanizers!
We’re back from our little vacation with an awesome newsblog to make your February grand. In this one, we’ll be talking about how our vacation went a little bit, our thoughts on some recent entertainment, and a whole lot more in this issue of our weekly newsletter. Let’s end off the month right with a little pick-me-up in the form of this fun update!
1) We’re Back and Ready to Hit the Ground Running! -
From the Department of Productivity and Determination
A little while ago, Pixie and I return from a nice little vacation to the East Coast as we relaxed, recuperated, and come back reinvigorated to continue pursuing our goals for this upcoming year. Especially for me, this vacation was the perfect time to find out where I truly want to go within my own personal goals and journey for this year as a creative person. Finally, I have felt like I have come to some true, solid conclusions for what I would like to do with YouTube, drawing, and my writing for the future. Specifically in the YouTube side of things, I find myself determined to explore them all by putting out YouTube videos not just on gaming, but also videos that relate to my side of the Bear & Pixie Art Studio. It has always been a dream of mine to explore both of those avenues of my own creativity on YouTube and I will not let anything stand in my way in my pursuit of that dream from here on out. When it comes to my writing and drawing, I will also be pushing myself further in those areas too as I continue to work towards my goal of becoming an illustrator in my own right as well as continuing to purse my love of writing in and out of our studio. Now that I have this sense of direction for my own aspirations, and as Pixie and I also continue to make our dreams together a reality, it feels like now (more than ever) I have a truth path ahead of me that seems attainable to reach. I tell you what, I can’t walk down this road with you all and show you all the fun (hopefully great) things that will come out of Pixie and I’s passionate hard work. If you’re interested in continuing to follow our journey, then please stay tuned to all things Bear & Pixie as we will regularly update you on how that all goes right here in these newsblogs!
2) A New Ninja Turtles Film That is Alright in its Own Way –
From the Animated Movie Division of the Department of Storytelling
Recently, I finally got around to watching the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie that came out a few months ago on Netflix. For me, this rendition of the Ninja Turtles is not my favorite. When watching the entire show, I had found some aspects of this incarnation of the Turtles to be quite endearing and have some great elements sprinkled throughout. For the movie, I found that same feeling come back in spades for me. Are there some good elements to the film? Yes. Are they however mixed in between lots of moments of bad comedy and other moments that weren’t effectively set up beforehand within the story. Also, yes. For this incarnation of the Turtles, I continually find myself simultaneously disappointed and intrigued. Some of the mythology that this show adds to the Turtles is quite interesting and great within its own right. However, it can often get bogged down by some of the other pointlessly bad elements that are sprinkled throughout it. Nevertheless, on its own, the movie is an endearing tale about four brothers who all grow in their own way in maturity throughout the events of the film in a well-paced story that does, at times, feel quite predictable in its plot. The animation here is top-notch with voice acting that elevates what is happening on screen immensely with every frame that passes by. Overall, this movie feels like the perfect ending point for this version of the Turtles and serves as a fun, slightly above-average, family movie that audiences can all have fun with. At Bear & Pixie, we give this movie a solid 6 out of 10. If you have some time to kill on a night, and are an avid TMNT fan, then you might want to check this one out. If you’re interested in seeing this one for yourself and you have a current Netflix account, you can watch it by clicking the picture below. [WE ARE NOT SPONSORED BY ANY COMPANY. We are only giving you a genuine, un-sponsored recommendation.]
3) Artist Shout-Out -
From the Artist Relations Department
Our pick for this week’s Artist Shout-Out goes to the incredible illustrator Djamila Knopf. Listed below are links to Djamila’s Instagram and Store where you can find a ton of her top-notch art which is characterized by amazingly vibrant colors, spectacular use of light and shading, and a feeling of reality and depth found within each piece that is truly stunning. In our opinion, all these factors make Djamila’s art worthy of a follow on Instagram. Also, if you feel so inclined, this amazing artist’s Store link is below if you would like to support Djamila any further. [We are not sponsored by Djamila Knopf. We are only fans and genuinely wanted to give a shoutout.]
Artist’s Instagram:
Artist’s Store:
4) Construction Starts on the World’s Largest Radio Telescope! -
From the Fascinating News Division
Just recently, I read an article about how construction had just begun in Australia on the world’s largest radio telescope that would be used to help study dark energy and the early universe! Interested to learn more about this? Go check out the article and find out more about it for yourself! [We are NOT sponsored by any news organization. We are just wanting to share something cool with our incredible fans.]
5) A New Season, A New Disappointment –
From the Animated Show Division of the Storytelling Department
A little bit ago, Pixie and I sat down and watched all the newest season of Dragon Prince. Before I wrote a little review on it, I wanted to try and gather my thoughts about it. I have to say, for both Pixie and I, this season falls incredibly flat for us. Most notably, it feels like the story, dialogue, and the characters were all written horribly this season. For most of the season, the show becomes this super predictable, boring, and exposition filled mess that has its pacing all over the place. For lots of it, you will have questions about what all the characters were up to during their two-year gap between the story of the fourth season and third season and be left with virtually no answers other than vague lines about what happened during that time. Additionally, you will be rolling your eyes at the absurd levels of corniness that the studio making the show for some reason thought they should put into this season on purpose. I make it sound like this season completely sucks but, to be fair, there are some good elements to it. There are some awesome moments for all the villains in this season that further their characters in unique, interesting ways. However, for the heroes, they get completely shafted in terms of character development and dialogue in this season to the point where you actively start to dislike some of your favorite characters because of how poorly they were written this season. For all these reasons, we at the Bear and Pixie Art Studio give this season of Dragon Prince a 5 out of 10 on the official Bear & Pixie rating system as this season is probably the worst out of all the seasons of this show so far. This fourth season displays how the story really doesn’t feel like it has anywhere meaningful to go while also not justifying why it needed to be continued at all from the last season. Who knows? Maybe, if there’s a fifth season, it will maybe retroactively make this season slightly better. However, the makers of Dragon Prince would have to pull off some serious magic to do so. If you feel so inclined to watch this season of Dragon Prince, you can check it out by clicking on the picture below on Netflix if you have a subscription. For any Dragon Prince fan, you will still probably want to watch it anyway to make sure you haven’t missed anything when it comes to the overall story of the series. [We are NOT sponsored by any company. We are only giving a genuine opinion/recommendation.]
That's it for this one! Thank you for reading our newsblog. Our sponsor for this newsblog is…us! We don’t accept sponsors for our email list, and we never will. If you feel so inclined, it would mean a lot to us if you would like to support us in making our dreams and stories a reality. Ways to support us are all outlined below. Thank you so much for your time and love. Hope you have an amazing week!
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Warm hugs and happy wishes,
- Bear & Pixie